My signature 8+1 Moon Bloom Flourish Framework(TM) is a simple but powerful portal
into rediscovering your inner sacred magic.
It gives you a whole NEW way of looking at your being and
how you approach your life every day, your every season, your every year.
Through an easy to follow format, you will learn how to
create harmony, live a fulfilled life and achieve wellness as a creative being
by caring for, what I call, your 8 Sacred Soul Centres .
By recognizing that we as individuals are connected to and actually live inside larger systems, we can learn to harmonize this sacred bond instead of fighting it -- the mindset of modern day 'norms'. The MBFF framework honours our sacredness by harmonizing our lives with our natural individual rhythms but with that of Mother Nature & the Universe/Cosmos.
You don't need to sign up or buy this framework.
I provide it here for FREE as my way of helping other busy women who are in their core spiritual and creative beings trying to achieve wellness in this Earthly world.
Because one size does not fit all,
I have specifically offered a menu of spiritually creative practise options (I like to call them CREATIVE SELF-CARE PRESCRIPTIONS!) you can choose from under each C.
Choose what works for you!

As a spiritually creative woman, we have 8 innate Sacred Soul Centres that need tending to.
Most can be 'refilled' monthly.
Some are ideally performed daily, such as Centering.
Some take as little as 5 minutes to re-fill. Some take hours, days or even months.
The goal is progress -- not panic and certainly not perfection.
Spiritual creativity is a lifestyle, a proclamation, a pilgrimage, a journey.
With each passing season, we must recognize that it is imperative we adjust our expectations of ourselves and our activities accordingly. Mother Nature is our perfect exemplar, patiently showing us year after year when we should shed, when we should savour stillness and dream, when we should plant new seeds/dreams and when we should reap the rewards of a year of self care and shine.
Give yourself the grace to recognize that our energy, state of mind and biorhythms change each season. This is the game changer. Peak performance does not always mean higher output. It means the appropriate output. Adjust your 8 Sacred C's accordingly during each season. Winter may call for more coddling during dark days. By honouring your seasonal biorhythm, self sabotage and guilt become a thing of the past.
I have made a mini outline of each of the 8 Sacred Soul Centres with ideas within each to spark your imagination. We are not all the same. Choose what works for you.
In time, as we start to incorporate these 8 Sacred Soul Centres into our lives, a magically wonderful thing starts to happen. We slowly start to notice that we are happier. We notice we are stronger. We notice a harmonious rhythm to our lives...WE HAVE TAPPED INTO OUR INNER SACRED MAGIC and we find ourselves holding our heads proudly as gentle souls living in this world -- no longer feeling the need to conform -- but to inspire.
This realization gives way to the birth of the 9th Sacred Soul C -- when our entire lives have become a CEREMONY.
Start Where You Are:
Read below for ideas on how to fill each of you Sacred Soul Centres and start to reclaim your life today!
**New exercises, courses and resources will be added to the framework. So keep checking back for new ideas to help you fill your Sacred Soul Centres.

1. Centre
If possible, spend a few moments every day to centre yourself. It does not have to be lengthy. It can be done at a time that works best for you and your schedule. Morning, afternoon or evening. This alignment acknowledges your spiritual and gentle spirit and lets you walk and face the rest of the day in your own shoes. You would be surprised at how you face the inevitable hustle and bustle with these new glasses.
Daily Candle Lighting Ritual
Daily Affirmations
Daily Walk
Artist's Prayer (coming soon!)
2. Create
As creative souls, creativity breathes life into us.
The creative act is a mode of survival.
Creating things is how we process our life, our feelings, our thoughts and the inevitable ups and downs of our lives.
It is our journey's safety net.
Each month, spend time creating.
It does not matter what it is or what it looks like in the end. Our life journey is always evolving and so too must we trust the process of what the simple act of creating does inside of us.
knit, sew, draw, doodle, paint, write, do pottery, garden...whatever excites you
Make your own Ceremonial Matchbox for your Daily Candle Lighting routine (FREE!)
Affirmation Blanket (coming soon)
Sacred Affirmation Heart (coming soon)

3. Connect
As women, connection to others is so crucial.
Whether in person, via phone or virtually, connecting to other women helps reinforce that we ,and they, are not alone.
call that friend you have been meaning to call for months now. You might just be surprised at how she was thinking about you too!
make use of technology! Facetime, Zoom etc make it easy to do virtual one-on-one or group girlfriend get togethers
In-person girlfriend dates (one hour, one afternoon, one evening, one weekend, one week!)
Gift yourself a creative self-exploration retreat (get yourself on Soul Stitch Studio's Magical Moon Bloom Celestial Summit waitlist!)
4. Celebrate
Celebration is an act of confirmation of life.
It marks our deliberate and purposeful gratefulness that we live, breathe and love. Celebrate.
personal accomplishments no matter how little (little wins lead to big wins!)
your birthday and your closest girlfriend's

5. Cognition
Ignite and expand your brain.
Try to learn something new every month.
take an in-person course on something you have always wanted to learn about but just never did! Now is the time!
take an on-line course
read a book on a topic you are curious about
attend free workshops at your local library
register for a travel tour
6. Coddle
Remember, being gentle with ourselves, makes us stronger. There will be times when we are in need of a little extra TLC. Because our spirits are fuelled by harmony, gentleness towards ourselves will give us the fuel to sort through feelings and push through to the other side.
​Listening to your body — complete pause day, go back to bed, reading day
Sleep in
Wrap yourself with a comforting blanket
‘My Happy Place’ : look at your 'Personal Pick Me Up' spaces throughout your home. (article coming soon!)

7. Contribute
Giving to others ironically gives back to us.
Life is circular and giving keeps the cycle of life and our spiritual connection to others perpetual.
It doesn't have to be grand every time or at all for that matter.
Don't overthink it.
Simple gestures, many times, have deeper impacts than you may see on the surface.
volunteer for a cause you believe in
tutor a student
help a neighbour
Share your knowledge/skills with others
Give support to a friend who is finding her way
8. Carefree
Giving ourselves permission to sample life like we once did as kids -- carefree and without a care.
As trivial as it sounds, this component is so important to maintain as we grow older and fall into the confines of society -- family, work etc.
Even once a month, a temporary step out of your norm will invigorate your soul!
And the best thing is -- it is just that -- temporary! So don't think much about it, as long as it is safe and no one gets hurt -- go for it!
try a different hairstyle
opt for a whacky nail polish colour
try different makeup colours
go on an impromptu outing no matter how much your brain is telling you to stay put
run barefoot in your backyard then lay on the grass and daydream
try a different ice cream flavour
blast your favourite music in your room and have a dance, twirl and smile session with yourself

With your 8 Sacred Soul Centres tended to and in harmony with the seasons, your life has flourished into a more alignment existence. Your every action in essence has elevated into one of a cycle of safe, nourishing, enlightened ceremony, honouring your sacredness and worthiness as a divine and radiant creation.
This culmination has put you in flow...the 9TH & final Sacred Centre...CEREMONY.