To learn more about my personal pilgrimage and the founding of Soul Stitch Studio: Click -->
To learn more about my adventures in the art world and what I have accomplished: Click-->
Hi. My name is Aruna.
I am a Humanitarian Collage Artist
living in Vancouver, Canada.
I am so happy you are here.
Three years ago, I turned 50.
I suddenly felt empty, lost and with no direction.
I could hardly recognize myself.
I turned to art
I observed nature.
I found myself melding
found objects.
My 'stitch collages' opened a doorway allowing me to
peel back deeply entrenched layers & reveal latent narratives.
Simultaneously, I also started to intuitively incorporate
small, gentle but powerful self care rituals
rooting my recovery to synchronize with
Mother Nature's natural rhythms and wisdom.
These techniques were revealed to me while I journaled, while I prayed, while I meditated.
By combining my
art practise
spiritual upliftment
and these
specific self care rituals,
I was astounded to witness how constricting mindsets that were inhibiting my growth
were starting to evaporate.
A personal transformation started to take root within myself.
Today, I am a vibrant, new version of myself,
with all the parts I liked before but
with new wings for the parts I never thought I could be!
Today, I cannot wait to start each day living my life
vibrantly & authentically with passion & purpose.
Creative Self Care helped me re-DISCOVER myself.
Creative Self Care helped me re-ALIGN myself.
Creative Self Care helped me re-SPARKLERIZE.
Now I live a magically FULLFILLING life.
I decided from that moment to commit my life to using my art work
to help other women undergo their own metamorphosis
using the
Moon Bloom Flourish Framework
which I had to discover on my own.
I call the tools and prompts I create that fit into the Flourish Framework
because I take out the guess work.
I create the tools, recommend how often to practise them and even tell you how long each exercise should take.
I am a busy mother, entrepreneur, artist & board activist.
I do not have a lot of time.
The tools I created had to fit into my busy schedule...and they they can for you too.
Transformation is hard work, so my aim is to help other women incorporate the same techniques I used on myself to transform from
gloom to BLOOM.
I am excited for you to
while having fun!
My first Creative Self Care 'Prescription' kit, SHEmail, is available now!
Check it out and start your journey towards
stepping into your potential!
Together hART to hART,
Sign up for my newsletter
to be the first to know when new 'prescriptions' are released, get your FREE Seasonal Wisdom exercises, discount codes & more!
Newspapers: Weekly DIY column : The Trinidad Guardian
Magazines: DIY articles: Island Life Magazine, MACO magazine, Calgary community publication
Television: Allyson Hennessy Show Community Dateline
Book Illustrations
Vancouver Continuing Education
Vogue Knitting LIVE
Workshops throughout Vancouver and Trinidad & Tobago
Galleries & Stores
Artwork exhibited and sold at various venues in
Canada and the United States
Community Outreach
Long history inspiring people to be EVERYDAY SUPERHEROES.
Spearheaded and/or co-organized community outreach programs by working wth schools, businesses and pubic organizations for HOSPITALS, FOOD BANKS, FOREST PRESERVATION & MORE!